Monday, December 29, 2014

New Years Resolutions

I've had the same weight loss resolution for probably about 15 years now. I usually get half way there and then beat myself up for not finishing out. The only New Years resolution I've ever really accomplished is getting published within the year I said I wanted to.

I had specific detailed resolutions that were grand and huge and then I realized that I cannot predict the future and I am not Super Woman (even though I've got the height for it). So, my resolution for 2015 (excluding world domination, because, that's a given) is to just be the best me I can be. I want to put out 15 books next year (yeah, do the math on that one) but if I get half, heck, a third of the way there, that's amazing and I'll be happy.

December 31st, I'm going to write myself a letter. My future self. The me that is going to read it again December 31, 2016. And in it I'm going to include what I hope for myself, things I'd like to change, where I'd like to be and see how different I become between now and then. And I say that because I am a completely different person than I was this time last year. And by completely, I mean vastly.

I say all of this to encourage you to make goals that you know you'll be able to keep.And to write yourself a letter to gauge your growth.

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