Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Healthy drinks that aren't water

DISCLAIMER: It is the opinion of the BraveGirl staff that you should stay up on your water intake. Water is the best thing you can drink. Period.

So I say that as I'm drinking my Brisk Tea/Lemonade blend. I was trying to figure out what to talk about for today's blog and I realized that I'm addicted to those dang things. They are SO good. However, they're loaded with empty calories and sugar - two things that I don't really need. Now, I still get in my daily 64 - 80 ounces of water, but every once in a while. you just need something with flavor. So as we head into the holiday season and the winter - I thought I'd find some healthier alternatives to water, so you're still staying healthy  AND getting a little flavor in your life.

As always, I found a list of things.

7 Healthy Beverage Alternatives to Water

Photo Credit: The Sean and Lauren Spectacular
There’s nothing more refreshing than a nice cold glass of delicious water…or is there? It’s nice to have healthy beverage alternatives to water sometimes. Although water is very important to our bodies, drinking a simple glass of water isn’t the only way to nourish our bodies with nutrients and hydration.
Water is the means by which oxygen reaches your cells, nutrients travel to your organs and tissues, and your body removes waste. If your body is dehydrated, you may experience fatigue, pain in your muscles and joints, lower back pain, headache, and constipation. Sometimes, feeling hungry actually means you’re dehydrated. There are many ways, however, to get liquids into your system. Here are some healthy beverage alternatives to water:
1)Green drinks, such as the Just Greens juice from Columbia Gorge Organic, taste great and have a ton of healthy nutrients.
2) Coconut water isn’t just for piƱa coladas; coconut water has naturally occurring electrolytes, enzymes, amino acids, and phytohormones
in addition to vitamins and minerals important for a healthy body.
3)Unsweetened iced tea, especially fresh home-made sun tea, is a good alternative to water. Freshly brewed tea has the highest levels of flavonoids, an antioxidant.
4)Komboucha tea, an ancient healthy beverage alternative to water the Chinese call the “immortal health elixir,” is a natural detoxifier. This drink will stimulate your metabolism and help you maintain a strong immune system, among many other health benefits. Have it delivered with your next Amazon Fresh order – they are great on the go.
5)Freshly juiced juice is another living drink that’s a delicious way to get your vegetables. Grab a handful of carrots, pineapple, coconut water, and Romaine lettuce. If you don’t have a juicer, a food processor works just fine too. You can also use spinach, collard greens, kale, turnip greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, and parsley.
6) Almond milk is a protein-rich alternative to cow’s milk, especially if you are lactose intolerant and worried about the side-effects soy milk
can have on your hormones.
7) Cucumber, celery, orange water or lemon infused water is a simple, refreshing, and healthful way to rehydrate.
Surprisingly, at least 20% of the water you need comes from food so other healthy beverage alternatives to water should include eating fresh fruits and garden salads in addition to other green drinks. Water is a key part of a healthy balanced diet and is an essential part of any holistic,
health-first fitness plan. A healthy, balanced life includes feeding your mind, body, and spirit. If you are looking to live a healthier, more balanced life, call Chrome Fit to get started today.

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