Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 3 of NaNo

How's everybody's novel going? It's early so the plot bunnies should be hopping all over the place and the words should be flowing forth like water over a cliff in Hawaii. (Water... not lava... that's more like week.) I'm a little behind due to well, life, but this is the part of the game where it's not time to sweat. To keep you on track - here's a list of what to do this week. It's still easy going - even if you're behind, like I said, it's mucho early so no worries.

It's Week One of NaNoWriMo, and there is writing to be done, so let's not waste any time! Here is our suggested to-do list for the days ahead:
  1. Create your novel if you haven't already.
  2. Now go write some words! Your novel, sadly, won't write itself, the stubborn thing. Then crow about your newly written words here.
  3. Stock your idea pantry in the Adoption Society forums! You have 15 minutes to browse.
  4. Time for a word sprint! "What's a word sprint?" So glad you asked! A word sprint is a timed writing exercise in which you are provided with an optional prompt, and a very mandatory mini-deadline. Consider it a brick on the gas pedal.
  5. Consult our Week One NaNo Coach, Lindsey Grant, by tweeting @NaNoWriMo and using the hashtag #NaNoCoach. Useful if you require some advice, or possibly a cheerful and validating pom-pom waved in your general direction.
  6. Break time! Eat your snack of choice. We recommend a tasty granola bar. Or a Rice Krispie treat. This really depends on how your writing is going.
  7. During your break, pencil in time for our Virtual Write-In this Wednesday, November 5 at 11:00 AM PST. Or if you need something to watch right this minute, check out our new Truth and Dare video/challenge.
  8. Get back to writing!
Pretty sure you'll need more inspiration during these first days?
Now stop reading this and get back to writing!

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