Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Weight Loss: The Old Fashion Way

As I was thinking of what I wanted to put on the blog today, I realized that being bogged down with articles about weight loss and health could get overwhelming. All the expert advice doesn't mean anything if you're not walking the walk. I'm one of the millions of Americans that are fighting the battle of the bulge. It's an uphill battle that I still struggle with on a daily basis, but instead of throwing what "they" say at you, I've decided to give you the top five tips of what works for me.

5. Plan out your daily meals.

Let me get specific here. Not just plan them, but if you can manage it, cook them all on Sunday night and freeze them. First off, not only is it a huge time saver but it's a calorie saver on those days that you blow in late from work. Instead of snacking on everything in sight while you're cooking, you just reach in the fridge or freezer, heat it up and viola, dinner in minutes.

4. Eat as organic as you can.

Okay, show of hands, who just groaned out loud when they read that? A couple years ago, that would have been me. And look, I don't know if I buy into the conspiracy theory the chemicals in our food are going to give us cancer or cause us to grow a third eye, but what I do know, is I feel better when I don't have all that processed food in my system. And, it tastes better.

3. Cheat meals keep you on track.

Notice I said meals and not days. Pick one day a week and a meal that you're going to eat off plan. and enjoy the mess out of that meal. And then, get back on track. We didn't get to where we are by being perfect and we're not going to get where we want to be by denying ourselves of the things we love. It truly is about moderation.

2. When you eat, just eat.

Turn off the television. Log off facebook. Get off the phone. Focus on what you have on your plate and what you're putting in your mouth. This way your brain and your mouth have an uninterrupted  connection and will tell you when you're fuller faster than if you're mindlessly eating and don't realize that you've finished an entire bag of chips and salsa.

And the number 1 trick that has helped me lose 106 pounds:

1. Fruit infused waters are your friend.

There are a million and one fruit infused water recipes out now. For weight loss, energy, cleansing, all of that. And they work. Not only for whatever they're intended for but they help you keep your water intake up and they add natural flavor to water on those days that you need a little something extra.

 What are some tips that have helped you in your weight loss journey?

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